В этом уроке английского по видео будем изучать тему дизайн-мышления (design thinking). В рамках урока мы смотрим видео о дизайн-мышлении и узнаем, что это такое — методология, которая помогает разработать креативные и инновационные решения проблем.

Тема тема способствует развитию критического мышления, творческого подхода к решению задач и обогащению словарного запаса в области дизайна и инноваций. На уроке смотрим видео о дизайн-мышлении, учим новые слова на эту тему, проверяем понимание с помощью 10-и вопросов и обсуждаем тему.



Step #2. VIDEO
Watch the video and chose the best answer for the questions below:


Discuss the questions:

1. Why is empathizing with the target audience important in the design thinking process? How does it contribute to creating better solutions?

2. Can you think of any real-life examples where understanding the problem or context led to innovative design solutions? Share and discuss these examples.

3. How might the ideation phase, where multiple ideas are generated, contribute to finding creative and effective solutions? Why is it valuable to explore a wide range of ideas?

4. In your opinion, what are the advantages of prototyping in design thinking? How does it help in refining and testing the viability of a solution?

5. Reflecting on the text, do you think it is essential to involve users in the testing phase? Why or why not? What benefits can be gained from user feedback?

6. Discuss the significance of iteration and continuous improvement in the design thinking process. How does it contribute to the overall success of a project?

7. How do you think design thinking principles can be applied in fields beyond product or service design? Can you think of any examples?

8. Reflecting on your own experiences or observations, share an instance where design thinking principles could have been applied to address a problem or challenge more effectively. What might have been the outcome?

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